Krleža, stand in line! – theatre show


Premiere: 5. 4. 2018, 20 h
Reprise: 6. 4. 2018, 20 h
Pogon Jedinstvo, Zagreb, Croatia

Performers: Tonka Kovačić, Vesna Mačković​, Vilim Matula​, Ida Fučić, Roko Nakić, Vilim Ostović

Production: Association for Audio-Visual Culture ‘Camera’
Author: Vesna Mačković
Tonka Kovačić, Vesna Mačković, Vilim Matula, Ida Fučić, Roko Nakić, Vilim Ostović
Costume and props design:
Vesna Mačković
Technical solution for props and costumes:
Ines Kolenko
Edita Sentić
Dora Bodakoš
Video selfies:
friends around the world and Pero Kvesić
Light and sound technician:
Tomislav Maglečić

‘Krleža, stand in line!’ is a multimedia contemporary theater play, in which the theme revolves around the invisibility of artists today. This stage work originated from the same name radio-drama premiered in the show “Ars acustica” of Croatian Radio in October 2017.

Author Vesna Mačković is using performers voices and live effects on iPad looper and then produces experiments of voice, sound and text emphasizing subject’s invisibility, earshot or inaudibility. The performers use the text that the author has imposed on them, but they twist and replicate them as they wish. In spite of everything, and despite the disobedience of the performers, the author manipulates their voices live, and these sounds, that reality, go to the public – the world hears what she decides. And the performers themselves are not sure what will happen when they open their mouth and let their voice out. Where is the artist in all of this? He was invited, he came on time, but nobody notices him. Krleža, stand in line! Snack is served. We have also prepared a fun-music program. And maybe we can talk about your new book. Come on, Krleža! Harry up! Hurry, Krležaaaa!


TICKETS are part of the ‘Arts Available to Everyone’ initiative, according to which visitors book empty tickets and at the end of the show enter the price which they decide to pay, depending on their living standard and satisfaction with a watched performance.

With support: Croatian Ministry of Culture, City of Zagreb, Pogon Jedinstvo, KUC Travno, Zagreb Dance Center, Ars kopija, Outdoor Akzent,