Kikiriki – music video with alternative rock band Radost! – the parody of the fans anthem


The song ‘Kikiriki’ (Peanuts) is a parody of fans anthems created by Vesna Mačković and alternative rock band Radost! as the announcement of Vesna’s theatrical performance ‘Gold Medal’.

Video: Ana Opalić (

Music: Radost!
Text: Radost! and Vesna Mačković

Vesna Mačković – vocal

Dimitrij Petrović – def, djembe, ukulele, synth
Branko Bogunović -vocal
Goran Bogunović – ukulele
Dino Kraljeta – gusle, programming

Mix, mastering and producing Studio Radost! for Radost!

Make-up and hairstyle for video: Vanja Kordić Dević

Web and print: – Review of the musical soundtrack of the band ‘Radost!’ (for the ‘Golden Medal’ show), 1.12. 2017.

Ravno do dna – announcement of music video ‘Peanuts’ Vesne Mačković and the rock band Radost!, 10.06.2017.

How did we create music and video for the song ‘Kikiriki’ (Peanuts).

This video contains photography work of the following authors: Silvija Dogan, Ivan Marinković, Vanja Kordić Dević.