Whisper to me, I wanna yell! – performance, Festival Satyrianas, Sao Paulo, Brasil



6.11.2017., Sao Paulo, Festival Satyrianas, Brasil

In her sound and text work ‘Whisper to me, I wanna yell!’ performing artist Vesna Mačković explores variations her brain produces using her vocal chords as the tool. She pushes random words into her brain, both in her mother tongue Croatian, but also in world languages she has been hearing during her travels. She forces those words, sounds and sometimes full sentences into her brain and through her throat and vocal chords explores their warmth or coldness, their sharpness or softness. As if she understands them… As if her brain knows what it has been confronted with. As if… she doesn’t need to take them carefully…

In Brasil the topic she played with was censorship of culture and arts which was very hot current topic in Sao Paulo during the festival.

Eu tehno uma voz.
Voce nao consegue ouvir?
Ouca, por favor, escute!
Ouca com cuidado.
Tehno palavras para voce.
Pegue elas.
Leve com cuidado.
Se eu falar o seu idioma,
nao julge apenas porque voce entende.
Se eu falar o que voce nao entende,
nao goste apenas porque e exotico.
Nao sou seu palhaco de palavras.
Eu so tenho alguns sons para voce.
Leve com cuidado.

Whisper to me, I wanna yell – excerpts – Sao Paulo, Festival Satyrianas, Brazil

Interview for the festival

Fotographs from the performance

Photographed by: Salim Mhanna, Igor Bogdanović